Just to walk outside for 5 minutes to grab lunch was so nice today.
I haven't blogged in a while--but mostly I think it is because I don't think anyone actually reads my blog. haha Oh well.
This last weekend was really nice. Saturday morning I got up early, grabbed some caribou and went to get my hair did. I chopped it and dyed it and I think it looks decent. I get afraid though that people just give you the "Oohhh you got your hair cut!" And then they don't say anything else. It is always hard for me to know if people actually like it or not. lol Oh well, I'm the one who has to live with it and I think it is cute, so that's all that really matters. The color is fun too b/c it is dark but also there is some violet in there that really comes out in the sun. I love it. I think I look like a flapper from the fourties. Someone at work told me I look like Amelie. Either way, it is different and different is good. On Saturday afternoon, Rian and I drove down to the St. Peter/Mankato area.
We were going to go on a adventure around there but after driving around for 20 minutes, we realized there wasn't much to explore. But, we drove around and enjoyed each other. Then we went to dinner and headed to Gustavous Adolphus (sp?) to see Ben Folds in concert. And boy did that put things into perspective!
Me being 25 and Rian 28, we sure felt old being surrounded by 18-22 year olds.
These kids weren't even born when the Twins won their first World Series!!!
It was quite a reality check to be on the other side of things....being the older looking people at something that I've always been so used to being the youthful one. Such is life though. Either way, Ben Folds put on a kick ass show (can i say kick ass if I'm 25??) Mr. Folds actually sings Me and Rian's "song" but unfortunately didn't sing it on Saturday evening. Oh well. I'll just have to hire him to play the piano and sing "The Luckiest" on the cliff overlooking a waterfall in Hawaii where Rian and I will get married. lol Or something like that.
The only downer of the night was the Wild losing and ending their season.
Oh well---now all of my concentration can go to the Twins!
Here is a picture of Rian and I on Saturday night before the concert. You can kind of see my haircut. lol
Otherwise, this week, I'm just looking forward to catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while.
Tonight, I'm going over to my good friend from high school Monica's house for dinner and a walk around Como Lake.
Tomorrow night, I'm going to be meeting some of my past co-workers from the Hennepin Theatres at Chambers downtown Minneapolis for a nice night. Chambers is having an event for their partners and since the theatres are a big partner, they are invited and inviting me! hehe Free drinks and apps from 530-730 on the rooftop lounge! I cannot wait! I certainly do miss my friends from my old job. But I'm lucky that they miss me too and want to get together!
Friday night, Rian and I are going out for sushi happy hour at our favorite place--Koyi Sushi in downtown mpls.
We haven't been there in months because it is really close to my old office and Rian used to pick me up after work and we would go over there for a fantastic happy hour! The prices are great and the rolls are even better!
I cannot wait to go there again. And I recommend anyone that loves sushi to check it out! Happy Hour is 4:30-6:30 Monday thru Friday! Check it out!
Life is just rolling along these days. May and June are both already filling up with me and Rian's weekend getaway with Elizabeth and Bryan before they move, the actual move, Rian is gone a couple weekends and also Larry and Renee's wedding the last weekend in June in kansas city! Crazy but I cannot wait.
I love being busy in the summer and having so many fun things to do and look forward to!
I'm hoping sometime this week I will catch a move---I want to see Smart People. And also, I'm challenging Rian to a game of tennis, which I know he'll kick my sorry ass, but I'm going to make him help me improve my game so I can eventually kick his ass. ha Just hoping the weather continues to hold up and I can actually bring out my summer clothes. And of course go shopping for more!