Song: Six O'clock News
Artist: Kathleen Edwards
Apparently this song is from the Cities 97 Sampler, Volume 15. So there you go.
I've been terrible with blogging---I know, right? And I was always lead to the impression that no one ever read my blog and that I was just sending my thoughts and words out into cyberspace for my own pleasure--but I've had a few requests to keep up the blogs, so I'll do my best!!!
I guess it really has been a few months (I believe my last blog was at the end of April), so I'll try to catch my peeps up with some highlights!
*In May, Rian and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary! I still can't believe its been that long, but then it feels like forever all at the same time. I was thinking really hard about what we should do and where we should go for our special night. And we finally came to the conclusion to just go to our favorite sushi place in downtown Mpls. (I believe I talked about it in my last post) We just realized that whenever we want to go to a fancy dinner, we just go. We never really need a special occasion. So for this very special occasion--we decided to go to a place that is very special to both of us. To just be able to spend time with each other at one of our favorite places and enjoy each others company. So that is what we did and it was PERFECT! And of course, we walked to the bar across the street after dinner to watch the twins game--perfect form for us! Here is a picture of us after our fabulous dinner at Koyi Sushi!
And this year, we had very unique and special gifts for each other. Thanks to Ms. Carrie, I had my gift picked out for Rian months ago. Baseball is a huge part of Rian's life - he is a pitcher and he played in high school, college and still plays in an amateur league. Anyways -- Carrie put something on her blog from Red Envelope that they have Ballpark Cuff links. Basically, they are cuff links and you can pick from a number of Ballpark Stadiums all over the country--and they use the paint and material from the seats from those stadiums for the actual cuff links. I got Rian the Wrigley Field ones. And he really likes them.
And with my gift from Rian, he was very creative and meaningful with his gift. Basically what Rian gave me was a brochure for Vine Park Brewing Company which is a brewery on W. 7th in St Paul. I got to pick out what kind of wine that we would make there together. With the whole experience, you actually make enough wine for 30 bottles as well as you get to make your own labels to put on the bottles. And it was so sweet because when Rian was explaining all of this to me, he said that since we have 30 bottles of our own "Noelle and Rian Wine", every year on our anniversary we can open up a bottle of anniversary wine. That was the best part of the whole gift was just him saying that and knowing and thinking about our future and all of the time we will have together and things we have yet to experience together. Overall, it was a perfect evening and perfect anniversary!
I would also suggest to anyone with any interest in brewing or anything to check this place out. They do wine, beer and cider, as well as brew their own kinds of beer that you can buy. It is also a smart move for big events like weddings or bachelor parties or any parties because when it comes down to it, the cost per bottles of wine or beer is pretty cheap--plus you get to put your own labels on to personalize it. Check out their website and take a look!
We are making the Cab Sav --- Mmmmm red wine!!!

The weekend before that I hosted a baby shower for my good friend Theresa. It was a lot of work but it was fun and I'm so glad I could do that for her and baby boy DeWaay!
And then, the last weekend in June, Rian and I are driving down to Kansas City for a wedding! The wedding is our good friends Larry and Renee, who we always have a blast visiting in Milwaukee! It will be a fun filled, busy weekend because Rian is in the wedding, so it will be especially busy, but I cannot wait to see Rian all dressed up in a tux! I've never seen him in a tux before!!! And hopefully, it won't be the last! ;-) It will be quite an event and I'm so excited to be there for their special day! Here is a picture of Rian and I with Larry and Renee on our last visit to Milwaukee...
Not that I'm excited about it at all---its just that NYC IS THE GREATEST CITY ON EARTH! lol Basically, I'm using the tax money I got and we are going to have a blast!!! Rian has never been there before, and its been 3 years since I've been there, so it was time. ALSO, a big reason why we are going at the time we are is because the MN Twins are in town playing the NY Yankees (boooo) BUT, it is the last season of Yankee Stadium before they tear it down and neither of us have ever been there and wanted to see it before it was demolished. And to see the Twins play there as well....I am just super pumped! My friend Jeff from CSS lives in Connecticut and him and his wife are probably going to join us for the game. I'm so pumped to be the obnoxious out of towners rooting for the away team! ESPECIALLY against the Yankees--the team I dislike the most!
Besides the game, I think Rian and I are going to play it pretty laid back and not plan too much. Like our trip to Chicago last summer, basically we just walked around and explored. That is what Rian and I are best at. And there is SO much to see in NY without having a game plan and just exploring. So that is what we will do! And this time, I refused to stay in an even slightly crappy hotel, so I found us a deal and we are staying at Hotel Metro in Midtown. My biggest selling point on this place (besides looking through endless reviews to make sure this place is legit) is the fact that they have a Rooftop Lounge that overlooks the Empire State Building. It looks absolutely amazing and I was convinced this was the place to be! I cannot wait to sit up there and enjoy the view!

I am all about advice with traveling to different places, so if you have any tips, suggestions or advice on NYC--please let me know!!!
Also--if you've actually made it through this much of my longass blog---It is with great sadness to say that I'm looking for another job. After all of the hard work and excitement of looking and finding this one---it just is not for me. I'm looking for something more challenging and definitely to NOT be anyone's assistant. That ship has sailed! lol So if you hear of anything or have any suggestions with that as well....please let me know!
Okay I'm done now! I guess that's what happens when you don't post for 2 months. But I promise I'll really try to keep up with it now and inform you all on the fabulous and exotic life that I lead. Or something like that....
Whats wrong with hotel carter? It was totally legit and fancy!
Sounds like an amazing anniversary! I've been to sushi there, too; it's really great! I can't wait to see you on your way up to our neck of the woods!
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