But I know for a FACT that one house really IS a very fine house.
And yes that is my sly way of saying that Rian and I bought a house!
After many, many months of searching and figuring things out, we found the house, put an offer on it, did some negotiating and made a deal that was a little lower than what we were already willing to pay! So YAY! :-)
Here she is...isn't she cute as a bug?!?!

It has been a crazy couple weeks here, as anyone would understand that has gone through this process.
We went through the purchase agreement signing and finally making a deal - the loan/mortgage process and the inspection. All is coming along as we inch closer and closer to our closing date - Thursday, May 28th.
We originally set our close date for the end of June but the sellers moved it up to the end of May - which at first freaked us out because it was so soon - but now I'm glad because there is no way I could have made it through another month of just waiting. Rian and I have been trying to down play things just because everything seems too good to be true. We know things come up and its hard to believe this is all happening, so I think we are saving up our true excitement and will finally believe that this is real when we sign the papers and have the actual keys in our hands. hehe Until then - it is still a dream....
A dream that became a little more real to me this past weekend.
Rian and I wanted to show Bryan the house since he hadn't seen it in person yet - so we drove over and as we are pulling up, I notice something different on the sign. As we get closer I realize that there is a SOLD sign hanging on the for sale sign. I don't know what happened, but something in me clicked even more that this was really real and happening. I think seeing it in real life - something physically saying that the house is SOLD and the buyers are US!
Just made it a little more real but a very good real.
Now comes the fun part - waiting. Waiting until three weeks from tomorrow when we sign all the papers and actually close on the house. It's gonna be a long couple weeks, but the anticipation will be exciting.
At this point, I think Rian and I decided that we want to spend that first weekend (29,30,31) painting and getting the house ready for our move. Which is ANOTHER fun but stressful part of things - deciding on coloring for each of the rooms to paint. I need all the help I can get in that department, so if anyone has any ideas - PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Or any good websites or things I can look to.
So hopefully we can get those big things done throughout the weekend/week and maybe even start moving some smaller things beforehand, but we are hoping to have the big move on Saturday, June 6th - which I just realized is one month from today. lol We hope to have some help with that - even though we really don't have a ton of stuff to move. Considering that I JUST moved a month ago and have most of my things still in boxes while living at my parents house - and Rian lives in a fully furnished house where he doesn't really have many big things to take. I think we shoudl be okay with the move. And I know even if we say we don't have that much to move, but it will turn out that we really do have a lot to move - I don't think it will be too bad. The more helpers we have, the easier it will be - so come on down anyone who loves to help their friends move! haha
IF you are wondering - where are all of the pictures - I will put a link here to a lot of pictures I took last week at the inspection. Hopefully it will give you a sense of the house and how cute it is! hehe And again - if you have any design or color suggestions - please speak up!