For a while there, I was a bit apprehensive about doing anymore blogging about the house situation. Everytime I got excited about something and started to blog about it - another phone call came, another e-mail was sent and we were back in the pits of worrying and frustration. So I gave it a rest for a while and decided not to jinx things anymore by blogging and then back tracking my blog words. No more.
Until Now.
The curse has been broken. WE CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE! Miracles do happen, people.
Last Friday, July 24th - at 1:00pm - Rian and I signed our lives away for the next 30 years. Like I proudly stated on facebook, I have never been so happy to be in so much debt! Of course, anyone who remotely knows me or Rian and has talked to us in the last 4 months knows about everything we went through for this house. We just hope it's worth it!
The most hysterical (not really) part of this whole deal is that the closing went off without a hitch. It was completely unsymptimatic of everything we went through prior to signing. We sat down - signed some papers for maybe 20 minutes and then sat around and BS'ed with my Uncle Denny (who is a VP of the title company we went through) and our realtors. We could believe that that was it. That was all we had to do and the keys were just handed over to us. Of course, that wasn't all we had to do - we had done A LOT to get to that point, but it was frighteningly easy.
Holding the (our) keys in our hands - one of the most surreal experiences. We got to the house and I remember looking around and realizing that it was just Rian and I there. No realtor - no inspector - no other people that needed to be there while we were there. This time - it was just us.
With a couple more errands to run - we decided it was time to celebrate. And what do Rian and I eat when we celebrate?
Of course that is what we eat - whenever we can! Since it had been a long day and we didn't want to stray too far from Rian's (former) residence, we decided to check out the sushi restaurant at the Mall of America called Tiger Sushi. Neither of us had been there before and were a little unsure since it was in the mall, but we gave it a fair shot. And it is a good thing we did because DE-LISH!
Started our meal with edemame, of course - then we got a couple big rolls - a crunchy roll and a rainbow roll. After our long hard day and a day full of celebration - we were still hungry and decided for one more - the scorpion roll. The scorpion roll was dressed to the nine of course and looked delicious. But, I always think of my sister when I get a roll like that - I think of how if Elizabeth was within 20 feet of something that looked and smelled like that, something that people actually ate, that she would barf. All over.
Until Now.
The curse has been broken. WE CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE! Miracles do happen, people.
Last Friday, July 24th - at 1:00pm - Rian and I signed our lives away for the next 30 years. Like I proudly stated on facebook, I have never been so happy to be in so much debt! Of course, anyone who remotely knows me or Rian and has talked to us in the last 4 months knows about everything we went through for this house. We just hope it's worth it!
The most hysterical (not really) part of this whole deal is that the closing went off without a hitch. It was completely unsymptimatic of everything we went through prior to signing. We sat down - signed some papers for maybe 20 minutes and then sat around and BS'ed with my Uncle Denny (who is a VP of the title company we went through) and our realtors. We could believe that that was it. That was all we had to do and the keys were just handed over to us. Of course, that wasn't all we had to do - we had done A LOT to get to that point, but it was frighteningly easy.
Holding the (our) keys in our hands - one of the most surreal experiences. We got to the house and I remember looking around and realizing that it was just Rian and I there. No realtor - no inspector - no other people that needed to be there while we were there. This time - it was just us.
With a couple more errands to run - we decided it was time to celebrate. And what do Rian and I eat when we celebrate?
Started our meal with edemame, of course - then we got a couple big rolls - a crunchy roll and a rainbow roll. After our long hard day and a day full of celebration - we were still hungry and decided for one more - the scorpion roll. The scorpion roll was dressed to the nine of course and looked delicious. But, I always think of my sister when I get a roll like that - I think of how if Elizabeth was within 20 feet of something that looked and smelled like that, something that people actually ate, that she would barf. All over.
Just like she did at the library when we were little.
Our dinner was topped off with a beautiful dessert of fruit - very complimentary - since i decided to tell our server that we were celebrating because we bought a new house. Always good to tell anyone about those things because you never know what you may get out of the deal. I figure I can use the, "we are celebrating because we bought our first home" for a while - see how much more we get out of it. I mean, you only buy your first home once! And I'm definitely not afraid to let people know!
What an experience this all has been. One that could not have been predicted and one that could not have happened where we made it through alive if it weren't for the countless supporters behind Rian and I. I can't tell you how many calls, e-mails and texts I sent people crying or complaining about this house. If it wasn't for you people - mainly my sister who knows it is ALWAYS her job just to tell me that everything will work out - I couldn't have gotten through this. Also my parents for their support in every sense of the word.
And of course there is Rian - who has ALSO learned that it is his sole job to always calm my fears and worries - without him I wouldn't have stayed (semi) sane through the process and be able to focus on our future together and that all of the crap we went through would all be worth it.
I'm contiuing to believe in the mantra - Everything Happens For A Reason.
It helps me through things and gives me hope when I need it the most.
I look forward to having more and more of you over to see the house. The more people I see in my house, laughing, talking and such - the more I see the home that I know it will be - filled with love and happiness and the people in the world who mean the most to us. We are very blessed.
It is finally time to make this house a home.
Our dinner was topped off with a beautiful dessert of fruit - very complimentary - since i decided to tell our server that we were celebrating because we bought a new house. Always good to tell anyone about those things because you never know what you may get out of the deal. I figure I can use the, "we are celebrating because we bought our first home" for a while - see how much more we get out of it. I mean, you only buy your first home once! And I'm definitely not afraid to let people know!
What an experience this all has been. One that could not have been predicted and one that could not have happened where we made it through alive if it weren't for the countless supporters behind Rian and I. I can't tell you how many calls, e-mails and texts I sent people crying or complaining about this house. If it wasn't for you people - mainly my sister who knows it is ALWAYS her job just to tell me that everything will work out - I couldn't have gotten through this. Also my parents for their support in every sense of the word.
And of course there is Rian - who has ALSO learned that it is his sole job to always calm my fears and worries - without him I wouldn't have stayed (semi) sane through the process and be able to focus on our future together and that all of the crap we went through would all be worth it.
I'm contiuing to believe in the mantra - Everything Happens For A Reason.
It helps me through things and gives me hope when I need it the most.
I look forward to having more and more of you over to see the house. The more people I see in my house, laughing, talking and such - the more I see the home that I know it will be - filled with love and happiness and the people in the world who mean the most to us. We are very blessed.
It is finally time to make this house a home.
1 comment:
Congratulations! That is such great news. Have fun with all of the trips to Home Depot! Good tip on the sushi place; I'll be heading there next weekend.
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