You know how you always make those lists of things you want to do before you die or things you want to do before the end of the year....? You know - those things that you rarely ever actually do but like to think about doing them?
Well I feel like this year or at least a lot in the past couple months I've done a few things that I always said I wanted to do.
Earlier in the year - I started volunteering and became a Big Sister. It was an amazing experience, very eye-opening about struggles of single parent homes and kids growing up without much of anything. I feel like Nina and I bonded a lot - and I really felt like she was proud to be my "little" and that she really trusted me. Unfortunately, that relationship came to a startling hault. A few months back (I believe it was September?) I got a phone call from Nina in which she told me that her Mother had passed away. It was surreal enough for me - it was hard to believe how Nina was dealing with it. Especially because her Dad is in jail and has not been with Nina's mother in many years - so 13 year old Nina lost her only parental figure. I was overwhelmed with the fact that Nina trusted me so much that she called me only a few hours after her Mom died to tell me. It was pretty brutal going to the wake and having Nina hug me and cry. I can't imagine all she was goign through. And then, to make matters worse (at least for me) Nina ended up moving to Texas to live with her sister. I know that was the best thing for her but the last time I saw her was her Mother's wake - she moved like 3 days later. I asked her to keep in touch and call me and let me know how things were going - but I haven't heard anything from her since. All I can hope is that she is doing well in Texas and starting a new life and most importantly that she is happy. I do miss her though.
On to more happy things that have happened.
Of course getting engaged was one of the biggest things to ever happen to me this year (lifetime). Coming from a girl who ever since she was little never thought she would get married - never thought anyone would ever feel that strongly about her that they would want to spend the rest of their life with her. All overwhelming that I've gotten to that point in my life and things are coming together. I'm lucky. (watch for the lucky theme!)
Well I feel like this year or at least a lot in the past couple months I've done a few things that I always said I wanted to do.
Earlier in the year - I started volunteering and became a Big Sister. It was an amazing experience, very eye-opening about struggles of single parent homes and kids growing up without much of anything. I feel like Nina and I bonded a lot - and I really felt like she was proud to be my "little" and that she really trusted me. Unfortunately, that relationship came to a startling hault. A few months back (I believe it was September?) I got a phone call from Nina in which she told me that her Mother had passed away. It was surreal enough for me - it was hard to believe how Nina was dealing with it. Especially because her Dad is in jail and has not been with Nina's mother in many years - so 13 year old Nina lost her only parental figure. I was overwhelmed with the fact that Nina trusted me so much that she called me only a few hours after her Mom died to tell me. It was pretty brutal going to the wake and having Nina hug me and cry. I can't imagine all she was goign through. And then, to make matters worse (at least for me) Nina ended up moving to Texas to live with her sister. I know that was the best thing for her but the last time I saw her was her Mother's wake - she moved like 3 days later. I asked her to keep in touch and call me and let me know how things were going - but I haven't heard anything from her since. All I can hope is that she is doing well in Texas and starting a new life and most importantly that she is happy. I do miss her though.
On to more happy things that have happened.
Of course getting engaged was one of the biggest things to ever happen to me this year (lifetime). Coming from a girl who ever since she was little never thought she would get married - never thought anyone would ever feel that strongly about her that they would want to spend the rest of their life with her. All overwhelming that I've gotten to that point in my life and things are coming together. I'm lucky. (watch for the lucky theme!)

Another pretty amazing thing that happened to me this year was the fact that I got to shake President Obama's hand!!! Now I know that sounds lame to most people but it was incredible. My Mom and I went to the Target Center when he was here this fall to talk about Health Care. By no means did we get there super early or anything but we ended up about 15 feet from the left of his podium. AMAZING! His speech was amazing and I took some incredible pictures. But the really amazing part was after he spoke - he came around and shook hands of people in the front. Of course, using my past experiences of working my way through a crowd to shake a hand, get an autograph or take a picture - I grabbed my Mom's hand and shoved us toward the front. Lucky for us - it worked. Both my Mom and I were able to shake Obama's hand! (They were pretty dry and rough for those of you wondering. He is definitely selflessly putting his mosturizing needs aside in order to help this country!) In any case - we were amazed by this and even more so - check out this picture......again - this is NOT the first time I have had to work my camera and hold out my hand to be shaken all at the same time. I actually snapped a picture of Obama and I touching hands. Its blurry but you can make out my hand in his hand - I could feel the power!
Next - one thing I always said I wanted to do but never did but now finally did - was start a book club! I always thought it sounded fun and wondered if anyone else would want to join. After some positive feedback from people - I decided it was worth it. We have 8 official book club members and continue to meet on the last Monday of every month. We have had three meetings so far. Last night was our November book. We read - Big Fish - and then watched the movie. It was a fun change of pace and fun to discuss the differences we saw in each medium. So far things are going well with book club and I'm really happy I mustered up enough people who wanted to do it with me. Always a good thing to get together with girl friends, eat some food, drink some wine and be together.
My last achievment but not final achievment is the fact that on Thanksgiving morning, I ran a 5K! Now, if anyone knows me - they know I am NOT a runner. Never have been, probably never will be and certainly never claim to be. BUT - KC (my work buddy kelly chad) and I have been working out after work for the past month. We have a gym at our work and are finally taking full advantage of it. We have been motivating each other to go - it helps to have that other person who is depending on you to go with them. We have been helping each other and it has really worked. So not really training for a 5K or a anything - the day before we heard about this thanksgiving 5K and just decided to do it. Now - mind you - we are used to running in doors at room temp - and running at 8:30am on thanksgiving was a rude awakening. It was definitely more difficult than I thought with breathing. Definitely walked and ran - but ran for probably 2/3s of it. We finished at 43 minutes and some seconds - and honestly I was okay with that. I was just so proud of us for doing it. Waking up early - on a day I didn't have to - to RUN?!? I MUST be crazy! lol But it was a wonderful guilt free Thanksgiving!
Here are Kelly and I after the race. They asked people to write signs on their back for what they are thankful for - and Kelly made us awesome signs that said - Giving Thanks for her with an arrow pointing to the other. Super cute!
And of course we ROCKED the sweatbands!

I'm happy to say that I have accomplished those things this year and hope to continue to do more and more. Nice to put check marks next to those things on "my list."
1 comment:
Good Post! I like it! But you left out being an Auntie! You are the best! Love you!
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