No one ever said being a woman was easy - but man it is a lot of work. Just last night while I was getting ready for bed and it was taking me forever to do all the things I need to do before bed - I thought about how ridiculous it is and how much work we put into looking our best.
I really am not total high maintenance but with all of the wedding things coming up (ahem*my bachelorette party*ahem) I have been trying to pay more attention to the beauty things I could be doing to look my best.
This is what my "getting ready for bed" ritual has been for the past couple months.
Of course start with taking out my contacts. Then I wash my face with proactiv.
I use the astringent and wipe all the dirt off my face. And finally end with the moiusturizer.
On the occasional nights - I will use the biore face strips to get all the crap out of my pours. Or will use the proactiv mask which you put on your face - wait ten minutes and then wash it off. Scared the hell out of Rian the other night when I laid in bed next to him with that thing on my face. lol
Then - because of an odd eczema flare up on my ankle (which I'm pretty sure was caused by stress and apparently likes to show itself on my leg/ankle) I have to put some cream on that spot as well.
Of course add in the q-tips to clean out the ol' ears.
After that - I brush my teeth and then I prepared my teeth molds for my whitening.
My very kind dentist gives you (and your fiance) a free whitening kit before you get married as a nice little gift. They take the molds of your teeth and everything. So I had to put the gel in those and stick those bad boys in - giving me an uncomfortable lisp and possible drooling in the middle of the night.
All of that work - just to be somewhat presentable, or at least try to look the best I can. Now I'm not necessarily complaining. I enjoy knowing that I'm putting effort into my apprearence and doing what I can do look nice - but man it is a lot of work.
I won't even get into my "getting ready for a day" routine - with the shower and shaving and lotion and make up and hair spray! Oy! Too much!
Let's just say that I hope men (and women) appreciate the effort put into looking our best!
I really am not total high maintenance but with all of the wedding things coming up (ahem*my bachelorette party*ahem) I have been trying to pay more attention to the beauty things I could be doing to look my best.
This is what my "getting ready for bed" ritual has been for the past couple months.
Of course start with taking out my contacts. Then I wash my face with proactiv.

On the occasional nights - I will use the biore face strips to get all the crap out of my pours. Or will use the proactiv mask which you put on your face - wait ten minutes and then wash it off. Scared the hell out of Rian the other night when I laid in bed next to him with that thing on my face. lol
Then - because of an odd eczema flare up on my ankle (which I'm pretty sure was caused by stress and apparently likes to show itself on my leg/ankle) I have to put some cream on that spot as well.
Of course add in the q-tips to clean out the ol' ears.

After that - I brush my teeth and then I prepared my teeth molds for my whitening.

All of that work - just to be somewhat presentable, or at least try to look the best I can. Now I'm not necessarily complaining. I enjoy knowing that I'm putting effort into my apprearence and doing what I can do look nice - but man it is a lot of work.
I won't even get into my "getting ready for a day" routine - with the shower and shaving and lotion and make up and hair spray! Oy! Too much!
Let's just say that I hope men (and women) appreciate the effort put into looking our best!