2009 - 2010 - 2011 and beyond. I cannot believe how much time flies. 2010 has definitely been a year to remember. So many amazing things happened and I'm very grateful.
But it has also been one of the most difficult years of my life as well. Either way, I'm grateful for all of the things that have happened that have led me to this point in my life and am hoping and praying for an amazing 2011.
Like everyone else at this point in time - I am re-evaluating my life and everything in it. Looking toward the future with hope and fear and uncertainty.
I feel very blessed with the year I had. I planned a wedding in 7 months and married the love of my life on May 22nd. We had a fabulous wedding and honeymoon, and I am so grateful that all of that happened and had so much support from all of the people in our life that mean the most to us. Summer was great. Lots of time with friends and playing sports and busy as ever. Then bad news hit in August and we found out that Rian was losing his job. It was quite a blow, especially after all of the years and dedication Rian has given to the company.
We knew that in the long run this would be the best - but it still was/is a difficult thing to go through. We are still struggling with this, but luckily I was able to find a new (better paying) job and started working at Minnesota Public Radio in November. The bump in pay was huge for us and we are happy about that. We are still plugging away and trying to find something for Rian.
I always heard about people dealing with layoffs and unemployment, but I never fully understood what it was until this happened to us. Luckily, Rian and I have each other for support and also have my parents who have been amazing throughout this tough time. I realize that there are so many out there that have no support and I can't imagine how difficult that would make things.
Trying to look at the silver linings - at least we don't have any children we are trying to support or huge amount of debt (although having to buy a furnace in October wasn't a fun thing to do) and I still have a job and am able to cover both of us for insurance.
Overall, it is a huge learning experience for Rian and I and maybe something that happened to teach both of us and something that will help us for the rest of our lives. Lord knows I will never take for granted having a job ever again. And, I think we will take away some heavy lessons that will benefit us for the future. We have learned (what we already knew) how fun a night at home with movies or catching up on our DVR is instead of going out to dinner or to a bar. We enjoy cooking meals at home for each other or cooking together. We cut out the little things that we don't necessarily need (but sometimes enjoy buying). We have appreciated even more being able to go over to my parents house for dinner and enjoyed their company. I am realizing how lucky I am that Rian really likes my parents and is okay hanging out with them. I know that doesn't always work that way, so I really appreciate that from both sides.
We have and continue to learn a lot about life, our life and our situation. I am still completely keeping the faith that things will turn around for us and Rian will find a job soon. I am hopeful that 2011 will be a positive year full of new beginnings and opportunities.
I am ready to start enjoying being a newlywed and doing all those fun things. Creating our home together and our life together. We are still able to do a lot of that now, I just can't wait when we have more freedom to enjoy this time in our lives. We will get there and we will appreciate it even more.
Professionally, for me, I have started on a new adventure that I'm still trying to get used to and figure out. As anyone who is even remotely close to me knows that I seem to always be looking for a new job and a new opportunity. I do believe I have found a good place to be - yet (of course) I'm still desiring more/something different. Not sure if I will ever be satisifed with any current job, but I still feel like there is something more out there for me. Something that will actually fulfill whatever it is that has seem to have been void in my life all these years. Someday - Somehow!
Who knows - maybe 2011 is the year of the Heaslip's winning the lottery and all of these problems will be behind us.....for good.
Either way, I'm still searching, still hoping and still dreaming - I don't think I will ever stop dreaming.
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