"Life can only be understood backwards - but must be lived forwards."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

30 Days....

I have 30 days to do something cool.  To live a little more life than I usually do.  That is my goal for June 2011.  I find myself more and more struggling to get through each week...not the weekends, really, but the week days.  I wish away the days during the week...the days I have to work....thinking that they are only preventing me from living a great life on the weekends.  Now I know that has a lot to do with the fact that I'm [still] not satisfied with my job and work life.  BUT, another huge goal of the upcoming months is to dig deep to find out what I might want to do career wise.  Now that my fantastic husband is employed [thank ALL of the Gods that I've been praying to for that] - I feel a little more free to really discover what is going to make me happy in my work life.

Career Searching Tip - I suggest keeping a work journal on your desk for you to write down things you like and don't like about your job - or what some dream/nightmare aspects of a job would be for you.

So as I set out on this 30 day journey...please bare with me.  I may miss a few postings, I may not do extraordinary things every single day, but I will do my best to live a little more and a little better.  I know I have so much to be grateful for and I should treasure every day A LOT more than I do.  Every day is a gift that is never promised to us, but we should acknowledge how special each day is and appreciate the people around us who make our lives worth living.

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