I still can't believe that this decade is almost over!!! Where did the time go?
2008 was a good year. Got a new job - wait, that wasn't a good move. haha
But I became (kinda) an aunt this year, so that is an EXCELLENT thing!
Went on some amazing vacations -
Disney World..... New York City.....
and some fun mini trips - ie: Milwaukee, Kansas City. All in all, it was a good year - but I'm onto bigger and better things.
Christmas was nice though - I had so much fun watching others open the gifts I gave them and had some fun opening gifts of my own! hehe
Here is a picture of Elizabeth & Bryan with their gifts from Rian and I. We made them a big basket full of different movies and all of their favorite treats to go along with movie watching! That is one of the only things that they get to do together and spend time with each other because of the busy schedule of Bryan - and we figured movies would come in handy for those 3am feedings as well! :-)
Including the best gift of all - from my nephew - he wrote me a card and everything! He gave me a picture of him in his Momma's belly! The best part of it all was that my sister asked me to be his Godmother and it is one of the most special things to ever happen to me.
I cried, of course, cuz that's what I do. But it just really adds even more to everything.
I keep thinking I can't love that little guy any more than I already do - but I do! :-)
Here is a bad picture I just took of the frame that I got with an ultrasound of the little guy. He really is a tiny miracle that I can't wait to meet!!!
New Years Eve was fun as well. We went to my friend Kelly's house for a party. The theme was - What is going to come back and be big in 2009?
I have no idea how I got Rian to do this but Rian and I wore a couple of my old *NSYNC shirts! It was great! I would die if they came back in 2009, but I think I have to wait a few more years for that reunion. lol
All in all, it was a super great night and so much fun to be with my high school friends who I love so much but do not get to see very often. Here is Monica, Me and Kelly on the couch at Kellys.
It is funny how when you are in high school - the friends that you have, you are around them 24/7. I remember entire weekends I would stay at my friend's houses and not think twice about it. Pretty much every single weekend I would spend at least one maybe two nights at either Monica or Kelly's houses. Of all the ages that we are, it seems like those high school years are the most friend intense years - and then college comes along and everything changes! Stupid growing up! But I will say that I treasure those years of friendship - and even though living that way and seeing friends that often isn't really plausible from now on - it is amazing to have those memories and a blast reliving those times. These days, it certainly isn't the quantity of time you spend with people, it is the quality of that time, even if it is limited.
So far 2009 has gotten off to a decent start. Looking forward to many changes in the coming year....relationships and babies (not mine) and houses and lots of change - which I'm awesome at adjusting to...maybe not....but maybe 2009 will be the year of the good, not so scary changes!
That sounds like a plan!
I'll drink to that!
Happy 2009!!!
**This blog is in part brought to you by Jaclyn Davern - who consistantly reminds me to update my blog....without her - many of these blogs would not be possible. This one's for you JD!
1 comment:
That is the sweetest picture of your baby nephew! Great present idea, as well.
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