I AM!!!!!
Seriously - I would gladly welcome any other drama (besides really icky things) into my life right now if it got rid of the house drama. At this point, I think I'm just blogging for myself to get it out of my system and be able to vent about how frustrated and emotionally drained I am from this whole process.
I guess my biggest frustration at this point are the people that we've been dealing with - some of our own even. Our realtors have been awesome - no problems there. But we've DEFINITELY had problems with our mortage guy - aka Bill the complete MORON!
From the beginning I have not been impressed by him. Yes, I know at this point in time it is a bit more difficult and different in the mortgage industry - yet at ths same time - you probably dont' have as many people come to get loans, so shouldn't you be more prepared?! Either way - you have a job to do and you should be doing it.
My first impression of him was correct and I should have stayed with that and found someone else. I can name so many different things that I haven't liked about this experience with him and how he has made things 100% more difficult for Rian and I.
Let's start with this fun fact. From the beginning, I was the one that called Bill, emailed him and basically set everything up. When we finally met him - this is what happened. We were in his office and he was going through all of our paper work and explaining things while we signed. At this meeting - he looked at me maybe 10% of the time and looked at Rian the other 90%. Not cool. And yes, this kind of stuff still happens all the time. I'm sure you ladies have experienced this one way or another in your life. Ridiculous.
After that things got worse because he started to only call Rian or only email him. I mean, how hard is it to CC someone on an email. Eventually I finally had to email him and say - I would really appreciate it if you would include me on all e-mails and not leave me out. Of course he appologized but I'm sure he is still clueless.
Past that sexist issue - he is just a DUMBASS! I am confident in saying that he doesn't know what he is doing half the time and probably needs help dressing in the morning. Maybe his wife leaves him directions on the bed every morning....Right leg...Left leg....
There have been a number of instances where we came to him with certain ideas ie: down payment assistance and he says that he can do it only to come back a couple days later saying that his company isn't approved to do that. DAYS LATER.
Excuse me Mr. Z but isn't the mortgage and banking and loans industry VERY time sensitive? Because yes - yes it is. He has ruined a lot of hopes we thought would help pull us through - given us the false hopes only for us to come crashing down.
And speaking of being time sensitive.......I won't get into too many details but things with our bank changing and having to get re-approved have been a mess and right now what it comes down to is that we have until July 10th to get the final approval from the bank (including underwriting and appraisal) or the sellers will walk. So, it is do or die at this point. And I'm a bit upset to find this information out only today - but that is a whole other story. From the past week/s, we have been on top of this information and getting Bill whatever he needs in order to do these things quickly. Again, TIME SENSITIVE INDUSTRY. Last wednesday, we dropped off a check for the appraisal and here is Tuesday and we hadn't heard anything yet. So I sent an email to Bill - only for him to respond back saying that he needs this and this and this from Rian and I. SO FRUSTRATING! We have 13 business days to get all of this done and approved and it takes me sending him an email about HIS job for him to get back to us saying he needs more from us. LIVID! What would have happened if I didn't email him? How long would it have taken him to get back to us and how much time would have been wasted in the process considering that we are on a very tight schedule. Scares me to think about.
So this little man has done it to himself - now I will be emailing him every day until all of this is done and finished. If I don't hear from him in an hour or two, I will be calling him. And calling him all day until I talk to him. Apparently he needs to be reminded and babysat to get a job done. We are too far in for anything else to go wrong and I will nto allow it. If I have to take matters into my own hands I will. Not Bill or the sellers or anyone else is going to wreck this for me.
This just needs to be over. For my piece of mind - I need to be done with this one way or the other. Its just too much. Like I've said - I have never been on such a rollercoaster of ups and downs. The highest highs and the lowest lows.
Yes, I understand that it is "just a house" but in looking this much and doing so much work and through everything it is more than that. It is also the beginning of me and Rian's life together that has been again and again put off and delayed because of outsiders. Our life has been jerked around enough already and we are ready to get on with things - have our house and have our family all together and start our life.
I think we deserve that much...
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