I wonder if I can figure out any pictures to go on here....I just put all of my pictures on CDs at Target, so I think that is a good way to store them at this point. We'll see what pictures I can scrounge up that are on my computer already.
I'm exhausted today--but SO glad that it is a short work week. Although, it is a busy week in itself. Thanksgiving morning, Rian and I are driving to Duluth to have Thanksgiving with his family. Then we got a room at Blackbear that nice which I am super pumped about. It was only $45!!! They have a pool and hot tub and sauna that we will take full advantage of. Not to mention gambling! ha We'll see if I can win anything---but I usually leave that up to Rian. Then, we are driving home Friday afternoon. We have to make some desserts and cupcakes though for Saturday because it is Rian's mom and aunt's 50th birthday party. So we have that on Saturday then on Sunday it is Rian's Mom AND Dad's actual birthdays....and so Rian can be with both of them on their real birthdays...me, Rian and his mom are driving up to Duluth to have dinner with his Dad and driving back that night.
But it will be a fun crazy. I'm excited to spend Thanksgiving with Rian's family--even though I'll miss my Grandma's cooking! I'll just make up for it on Christmas.
Busy Busy week....but at least it is a busy week with days off of work!
Hope you like my new blog. I'll probably update it quite often since it like I said--I need plenty of distractions from work!
Here is a couple pictures I found.......ENJOY!
Rian Blaze & I (2 summers ago I think....)
Rian and I in our hotel room in Chicago
Here is a picture I took in Chicago this past summer...
I'll probably do more posts today since I'm getting into it and it is a lot of fun!!!
Congratulations! You've been sucked in! Enjoy! Love you... I don't see any pictures of me... I see how it is!
Welcome to the blog world! P.S. I like to keep up too with my friends' peoples too! Feel free to post anytime, and if you don't mind, I will visit yours too!
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