"Life can only be understood backwards - but must be lived forwards."

Monday, February 16, 2009


If you even know me slightly - you know that music is a huge part of my life. Formerly (and maybe again someday) it was part of my job - which was fantastic. It has always been a huge part of who I am and how I live my life. Most people know this about me and know how much music drives me and really is what gets me through it all.
With that said - I have been a horrible iTunes/iPod owner lately. Its honestly been close to a year since I updated my ipod. For whatever reason, I've just been slacking at it. Partly because of my laptop troubles and lack of internet at my apartment. No excuses - I've decided.
So, when I
was planning my night tonight, which I'm very excited about, I decided I would gather all of the CDs in my car and start adding them to my iTunes and eventually my iPod. With all of these changes going on, I'm really feeling like I need to start doing things like this. It may not seem like a big deal - but little by little, the more I organize my life and myself, it really helps me overall. Especially with me making the change of moving, it is good for me to start doing organizing even small things, just to get me into the mood and remind myself how good it feels to do these things. So here I am - on my favorite couch, with my laptop in front of me, my ice water to my right and a bag of cds on my left. I am ready to start organizing my music and make it more accessible.
This could honestly take me a really long time to put all of my CDs on my iTunes. Again, if you even casually know me, you will know how much music I consume and surround myself with. As I'm just sitting here in my living room - I look over to where my broken stereo sits and look underneath it and see piles
and piles of CDs (most of them mine). So much music I've forgotten about. And let me tell you, there is nothing better than finding an old CD, listening to the music and bringing you back. It is purely magical.
Just an example of the diversity of music in my life...I will name off some artists and CDs that are on or await
ing to be on my iTunes...
-Disney's Greatest Hits Vol. 3
-Sex and the City: The Movie Soundtrack Vol. 1

-Backstreet Boys - Unbreakable
-John Mayer - Continuum

-Billy Joel - Greatest Hits
-Raul Midon
- State of Mind

-Ultimate Dance Party Mix
-Bob Schneider
-Avenue Q Soundtrack

There is so so SO much more and I could go on and on about how fabulous my music makes me feel. Music is something so personal to me. And it should be to anyone. It is the most personal thing because you pick exactly what you like and what you don't like. It is your personal choice for what moves you and what makes your heart happy. I've felt so privileged to have discovered so many different kinds of music and tastes in music. I love sharing it with other people and I love connecting with people through music.
Music is a part of my heart and soul - always has been, always will be.

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