That's just how I feel sometimes. I talk and talk and talk and make no sense - just going on and on spewing craziness. I guess I've spewed a lot worse things than craziness, so that should be okay. So right now I am completely feeling in limbo for a number of reasons.... I hate my work/job situation right now. I am completely in limbo because right now at work I'm working 20 hours down at the front desk answering phones, greeting guests, etc. and the other half I am up at my regular desk doing my regular job. So I'm feeling a little off just having two different jobs I'm really doing. Within all of that, I've been lucky enough to have a couple job opportunities to present themselves as possibilities (if they think I'm the right one), but with all of that, I've been stressed out with taking time off during the day to be able to interview and things and it is just stressing me out completely. It is a bit complicated because I am also taking Family Leave pretty soon to be with my sister for about a week after the baby is born since Bryan will be busy working. So I'll be taking a significant amount of time off pretty soon - and also unsure of when exactly all of that will be happening. I'm know I'm lucky that people here are flexible and understanding in my situation - but this is also my time off that I'm taking. Basically my Family Leave thing that I had to have Eliz's doctor sign basically let's me use my sick time when I take time off to help her out. So either way. Its just a complicated mess but I would go through it all again in order to make sure I get to help out my sister.
I'm definitely feeling in limbo these days because I feel like I'm constantly on call and waiting for my sister to call me and tell me she is in labor. She already scared the crap out of me last Thursday night when she called me at 11pm saying that she had been having contractions for a couple hours and they were 10 minutes apart - and to just keep my phone near by just in case. So I freaked out, starting packing my overnight bag and started charging my camera battery! lol That night I didn't get ANY sleep! lol I was thinking the whole night that at any moment the phone would ring and I would be on my way to Chester the Molester. But no such luck. Now, though, I feel like I'm still on call for the next couple weeks and cannot make any solid plans. I follow everything up with - there is a chance I won't be there b/c I'll be in Rochester while Elizabeth is in labor or for the week after. lol It is crazy - but I can't believe that it is almost time! I keep wondering to myself what that little boy is going to look like. Will he have a big head? (hopefully not for Eliz's sake) Will he have chubby little legs? (Gosh I hope so) Will he be long? What will his smile look like? These are all things I will soon find out! hehe Let's just say I'm pretty much the most excited Auntie that ever lived. And anyone else can challenge that - I will stand my ground. hehe
I'm also feeling limbo'ish with my living situation. As of February 1st, Laura and I gave our 2 months notice. Since Rian and I are deep into the house hunting and are still a couple weeks out from actually considering putting any offers in - by April 1st there is not way we will actually have a house. So its off to live with a couple of my former roommates - that's right - Mom and Dad. I'm shackin up with my parents again. Hopefully for the last time. haha I figure that since my parents are very generous in the fact that I would save a TON of money by not paying rent or utilities or food - this would help Rian and I out SO MUCH! I can put up with living with my rents for a couple months in order for things to be a little financially better for us. So I'll be packing up and getting ready to move in two months. I"ll make this a gradual move that way I don't have to move everything in one weekend - I hate that. Plus, I will have the entire upstairs of my parents house as my domain - and yes I will fill it up. So from April on I will be living with my parents and anxiously awaiting me and Rian's move into our new house. I cannot wait!
I only wish that I was as good as dealing with being/feeling in limbo as I am at the fun party game of limbo.

first, good job on the tuesday update! second, i am curious about these job opportunities... third, elizabeth's baby is going to look like a fastner. fourth, moving in with your parents is GOOD! things will all work out b/c isn't 2009 the year of noelle???
Lots going on with you! I know it's hard to be okay when things are in constant upheaval, but I think we need to embrace uncertainty sometimes...we can learn a lot about ourselves in the process. One of those rules: we are almost always stronger than we remember ourselves to be. Funny name for the city. I am sure you are excited--you will be a very cool auntie.
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