1. Vacations – planning, counting down, taking them, experiencing them [but not coming home from them] You know those people who say, "it's been a good trip, but I can't wait to get home to my own bed, etc" Well, I am NOT one of those people.
2. Concerts - As you can see from my previous post, I have a thing for live music and entertainment. There is no other rush like it that I get when the lights completely go dark, the music begins and the show has started. Nothing like it.
3. Owen - My nephew and Godson is one of my most favorite people in the world. The closest thing I have to a child of my own and I love him just like that. Every minute I get to spend with him and watch him grow up and teach him things and hear him call me 'TeeTee' is a blessing.

4. Time with good friends - As I grow older and my world starts to change, more and more I realize the value of friendship. I am blessed with some amazing friends, some I've known forever and some that I just feel like I've known forever. Day after day, our lives grow more and more busy, so the time we spend together is limited, but it only makes me appreciate the time we DO get to spend together even more.
5. All Things Disney - Anyone who knows me probably knows about my love of Disney. It started when I was probably 4 years old and has multiplied every year. All the trips to DW and DL, watching vacation planner videos every Saturday morning, listening to Subsonic Radio every day at work {wishing I was in DW instead of a cube}, sharing information and watching Disney videos with my Dad, taking my husband on his first {of many} trips to DW and seeing him enjoy it and thinking about how happy all things Disney makes me. 
6. My Workout Buddy - Never have I ever worked out and gone to the gym on such a regular basis as I have since I found my workout buddy, Kelly. Since January, her and I have had a pretty good weekly schedule of what days we do which classes at which YMCA location. {For me} the motivation for going to classes and keeping to that for a long time has been huge. Not only has it helped me with myself and taking care of myself, but it has been a huge gift to have a friend supporting you along the way. It is SO different having someone you can talk to before, during and after class - but most importantly - someone to look over at, roll your eyes and say 'I'm dying!'
And yes...Kelly and I wore our wedding dresses last summer for the Bachelorette finale!
7. Sun - Something that we haven't had much of in the past couple months. I cannot believe the winter we have had and how much I am looking forward to nice weather. With sun comes sand volleyball, outdoor patios, backyard BBQ's, outdoor baseball, zoo trips with Owen and of course walks around the lake with my dog and my husband.
8. My Future - If I have learned anything this year, it is that you cannot completely control or predict your future. But, I am learning to embrace the unknown and realize that wherever life takes me - my future will be amazing. Down the road, there are so many adventures that await R and I and I am happy and excited to get there.
9. My Family - Without the love and support of my family, I would be nowhere. Every day and I more and more appreciative. And one thing I appreciate more and more each day is how much I LIKE my family. I know not everyone does. But I am lucky enough that I like my family and enjoy the time we spend together. Liking your family and loving your family are two very different things -- I do both!
10. Scrabble - Someday I will beat my husband at this tricky, tricky game...